My name is Georgios Terzopoulos and I have been a columnist since the age of 20. I graduated with honors from the department of Accounting and Finance at the University of Macedonia, in Thessaloniki. Now after having completed my army duties, I am completing my MSc in Marketing at Durham University.

I have served as the Vice President of Katerini Youth Network for two years and as a marketing leader for a youth think-tank. I believe that political inovlvement has the power to change the world we live in. That is why I am actively involved in the politics of both my hometown Katerini and Greece's politics in general. 

Armed with all these experiences and education, my mission is to contribute to political discourse through PolitiQuill, combining Greek reality with international expertise.

Below I showcase some very important personal highlights, in order to get acquainted better.

My name is Georgios Terzopoulos and I have been a columnist since the age of 20. I graduated with honors from the department of Accounting and Finance at the University of Macedonia, in Thessaloniki. Now after having completed my army duties, I am completing my MSc in Marketing at Durham University.

Έχω θητεύσει ως αντιπρόεδρος του Δικτύου Ενεργοποίησης Νέων Κατερίνης για δύο χρόνια και ως υπεύθυνος μάρκετινγκ σε νεανικό πολιτικό think-tank. Πιστεύω ότι η συμμετοχή στα κοινά έχει τη δύναμη να αλλάξει το τοπίο στο οποίο ζούμε, γι’ αυτό και είμαι ενεργός στην πολιτική ζωή τόσο της γενέτειράς μου όσο και της Ελλάδας γενικότερα. 

Armed with all these experiences and education, my mission is to contribute to political discourse through PolitiQuill, combining Greek reality with international expertise.

Παρακάτω παραθέτω μερικές φωτογραφίες-σταθμούς, έτσι ώστε να με γνωρίσετε καλύτερα.


First steps

Ανάκτορα Westminster
Outside the British Parliament (my love for politics is everlasting...)

After finishing my national exams I had the opportunity to work for the summer at Buckingham Palace in London. Besides the family business this was my first work experience.

Εργασία στο Buckingham
Working at the palace

After finishing my national exams I had the opportunity to work for the summer at Buckingham Palace in London. Besides the family business this was my first work experience.

Εργασία στο Buckingham
Working at the palace
Ανάκτορα Westminster
Outside the British Parliament (my love for politics is everlasting...)

The Network

Εκπροσωπώντας το Δίκτυο
Representing the Network in a summit along other European youth networks

During my studies I mainly participated in politics through Katerini Youth Network. I am proud of my involvement in such an organizationand for everything we achieved during my term. 

One of my achievements is the video below, promoting the participation of young people in the most recent Greek elections.

During my studies I mainly participated in politics through Katerini Youth Network. I am proud of my involvement in such an organizationand for everything we achieved during my term. 

One of my achievements is the video below, promoting the participation of young people in the most recent Greek elections.

Εκπροσωπώντας το Δίκτυο
Representing the Network in a summit along other European youth networks







When talking about proud moments I can't exclude my graduation from the University of Macedonia, where I reached my goal of graduating with honors.

Αποφοίτηση από το ΠΑΜΑΚ
The Graduation

When talking about proud moments I can't exclude my graduation from the University of Macedonia, where I reached my goal of graduating with honors.

Αποφοίτηση από το ΠΑΜΑΚ
The Graduation

Travelling to Durham

Έναρξη σπουδών στο Durham
Day of Matriculation at the world-famous Durham Cathedral




Now I countinue my academic journey in Durham: one of England's most beautiful places and home to one of the best universities in the world, which I am attending.

Πολιτική στην Αγγλία
Meeting Councillor Joan Nicholson, President of Durham County. Toegether we agreed in the significance of an politically-independent local government.

Now I countinue my academic journey in Durham: one of England's most beautiful places and home to one of the best universities in the world, which I am attending.

Έναρξη σπουδών στο Durham
Day of Matriculation at the world-famous Durham Cathedral
Πολιτική στην Αγγλία
Meeting Councillor Joan Nicholson, President of Durham County. Toegether we agreed in the significance of an politically-independent local government.

See all articles here: